Time Study Analyst Intern


Time Study Analyst Intern

@ Stuller


  • As the Quality Management Videographer Intern you’ll have the opportunity to demonstrate your talent and build the experience and successful track record you need to advance your career with our dynamic company.
  • The Quality Management Videographer Intern is responsible for producing and editing videos used for training in the Manufacturing Division of Stuller, Inc.
  • This includes short videos used for understanding individual process steps, which can be retrieved using the company Intranet, longer videos used for workshops and seminars, and process videos used for alignment with partner facilities around the globe. 

Key Responsibilities:

  • Measuring the time, it takes to perform specific tasks on the manufacturing floor.
  • We will start with the wax team and a stretch goal to complete all processes under the cast production method.  
  • They use a variety of techniques, such as stopwatch timing, video recordings, and employee interviews, to collect data on the time it takes to complete a task, as well as any associated motions or procedures.  
  • Analyzes data and specifications to establish reasonable time and production standards.  
  • Ideal candidate would have interest & experience in industrial engineering, operations management  
  • We will need an individual that is analytical and understands how productivity impacts the overall cost of the items. This individual will spend significant amount of time around our casting manufacturing processes.


Basic Qualifications:

  • Analytical, communication skills, detail-oriented and self-motivated  

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Working toward bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering, operations management, or cost accounting 
  • Experience working in manufacturing or logistics environment 

How to Apply:

Apply online at https://www.stuller.com/careers/

Visit Site to Apply

Location: Lafayette, LA
Date Posted: December 23, 2024
Application Deadline: March 21, 2025
Job Type: Intern