Explore the possibilities in the Acadiana job market
Connecting UL Lafayette students and alumni with part-time job and volunteer opportunites
Wednesday, April 2, 10am to 1pm
UL Lafayette Student Union Ballroom
Businesses click here to register for an exhibit tableHealth Care industry employers connect with students, alumni, and community members seeking employment. Contact: careertransfer@solacc.edu
Wednesday, April 2, 11am to 1pm
SoLAcc Health & Science Building 1101 Bertrand Drive, Lafayette, LA
Employers click here to register for an exhibit tableEmployers seek workers in construction, manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing/ distribution careers! Free and open to the public!
Thursday, April 3rd, 11am to 2pm
SoLA New Iberia Campus, 908 Ember Drive, New Iberia, LA
Businesses click here to registerSave The Date! Connecting employers with SLCC students and graduates. Event is open to the public! Information Careertransfer@solacc.edu
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 9am to 1pm
SLCC's Devalcourt Auditorium, 320 Devalcourt Street, Lafayette, LA
Businesses click here to register through Handshake!Employers hiring for a variety of careers and community resource providers connect with job seekers and community members.
Thursday, April 24, 10am to 2pm
MLK Recreation Center, 1200 Field Street, New Iberia, LA
Businesses and resource providers click here to registerThis expo provides an opportunity for area businesses to showcase their careers and industry to eighth grade students from throughout Lafayette Parish.
Thursday, May 1 - 9am to 1pm
Martin Luther King Recreation Center, 309 Cora Street, Lafayette, LA
Businesses click here to reserve your exhibit table at this event!Save the date for the largest recruitment event in the region! Additional information will be added soon!
Tuesday, May 13, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Cajundome Convention Center, Lafayette, LA
Click here to learn more information!Save The Date! Connects businesses with available workforce. For Justice Involved, Formerly Incarcerated Persons (FIP) and open to the public.
Wednesday, July 16, 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Heymann Convention Center, 1373 S. College Road, Lafayette, LA
Click for additional information